Mailing Refund Checks
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March 5, 2002

To:  All Sheriffs
Subject: Mailing Refund Checks

For many years, the Sheriffs Pension Fund's policy with regard to mailing refund checks has been that the checks are sent in bulk to the appropriate sheriff's office. It is believed that the policy was implemented to assist sheriff's in recovering payments for uniforms, weapons, etc.  Members who wished to have their refunds mailed directly to them have been required to get approval from the sheriff's office.

We have been advised that, as a retirement system qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code, we are required to send refund checks directly to the member. So, beginning with the April 5, 2002 refunds, we will mail the checks to the member at the home address supplied on the refund application.